
Monday, June 6, 2011

"you're in my house, eating my birthday cake with my family!"

The above quote is courtesy of Ahnold. It is relevant because one of you may or may not have recently had a birthday. Now, I'm all for making you boys cookies and cakes for special occasions (and I know Sara is too), but when you're out on your own, you may not have friends/family/slampieces to cook for you. You might have to start making your own birthday cakes, or you might want to make one for someone else.

I'll be honest here: baked goods aren't really my thing. There's a lot of math involved and I tend to screw it up. But this is a basic recipe which should help get you started. Think of it as a little birthday present from me to you.


1 comment:

  1. I agree entirely with this quote :).

    X, Sarah
