
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grilling for Memorial Day

So it's Memorial Day, which means summer is pretty much officially here. Pools are opening, swimwear is going on sale, and people are cooking out. As a vegetarian, I'm not much of an authority on that last part, but I want you guys to be prepared, because as men, you are supposed to be masters of the grill.

This article gives you tips for making the perfect hamburger, which is pretty important stuff. And as an added bonus, here's a link to a piece about making delicious potato salad, in case you're feeling daring. Potato salad is one of my absolute favorite barbecue dishes, probably because it's also one of the only ones I can actually eat.

Happy Memorial Day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Summertime Strawberry Sorbet/Daiquiri

While it might not seem like it right now, the heat and humidity of summer will soon be unavoidable. This easy-to-make sorbet combines the refreshing flavors of strawberries and limes. You can also mix in rum (as much as possible, of course) if you're wanting to impress someone with strawberry daiquiris. This recipe could not be easier--but be aware that there is a little bit of overnight preparation involved.
(This recipe is based on one I originally found here--see how amazing the finished product looks!)

You will need:
1 lb of strawberries
lots of water
the same amount of sugar as water
lime juice

Rinse strawberries, remove stems, and slice. Store them in a 1 gallon Ziploc bag, and store in the freezer overnight.
Boil equal parts water and sugar in a pot on the stove top, mixing in lime juice to taste. This creates a simple syrup*, which will have roughly the consistency of maple syrup and a sweet, citrus-y taste when it's ready. For this recipe, you need about 3/4 cups of syrup.
Let the syrup cool.
Put the strawberries into a blender, and use the pulse button to chop them up. Gradually add the syrup, scraping the sides of the blender so everything gets mixed in there.
Serve immediately to your lady friends, bros, or esteemed family members, or store in a low-sided container and freeze.

*Simple syrup is also great to have around if you tryin to be a fancy bartender, just keep that in mind.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Don't act like you don't miss us already.

So. You're going off to Colorado Springs and Chicago to start awesome new lives, and while we're excited for you, we're also a little bit concerned. You see, we know you can't cook, and you can only rack up $20 Fourth Meal bills for so long before you go broke (I'm talking to you, KT).

We're here to save you from yourselves. Using our amazing skills, we've put together cookbooks for each of you, and we're also setting up this blog so you can keep getting new recipes to try. We will not allow you to starve to death.

<3 Fab Four Forevs